We are waiving the redemption grace period penalty

A few days ago, we told you that we are there for you. That we are ready. Here is an example: In view of the situation caused by the global outbreak of COVID-19, the .cat Foundation has decided to permanently eliminate the restore fee for all our registrars as of 1 April 2020 at 10:00 CEST.
When a domain expires, a grace period is given during which it is possible to renew it according to the established fee. Once the term is over, the user enters the so-called “redemption grace period”, in which, if the domain is to be recovered, a penalty must be paid that allows the user to return to the aforementioned grace period and renew the domain according to the established fee. If it is not renewed after these two deadlines, the domain can no longer be restored nor renewed and is pending deletion. With this decision taken by the .cat Foundation, the redemption grace period penalty is eliminated and the domain can be reactivated with no additional cost.
Verisign, the company that manages the .com and .net domains, has also decided to eliminate the said fee, but, in their case, they do so temporarily between 2 April and 1 June. In our case, it is a permanent measure.
It should be noted that the .cat Foundation has eliminated this Restore Fee for all registrars. However, we advise you to contact your registrar directly to find out how they are applying their restore fee. Some of them may have removed it as well, whereas others not yet.
Be cautious and lots of good luck.