April 2, 2024 The .cat domain joins the global list of partners of the Global Cyber AllianceAfter months of negotiations, the Fundació .cat adheres to the Global Cyber Alliance (GCA), an international alliance dedicated to the... March 15, 2024 Participation of the .cat domain and the Digitalitzem-nos project in the first Digital Networking Day of Central CataloniaOn February 29th, Manresa hosted the first networking event for the technological and digital sector of Central Catalonia. Owners of... February 8, 2024 Cultural and territorial domains .gal, .eus, .cat, and .barcelona meet with registrars in A CoruñaRegistry Meeting Representatives of the linguistic and cultural domains .gal, .eus, .cat, and .barcelona held a meeting on February 1st... February 2, 2024 Digitalitzem-nos, the website that brings together more than 3,500 companies offering digitalization services in CatalanDigitalitzem-nos, the website that brings together more than 3,500 companies offering digitalization services in Catalan, was presented by the Fundació... October 27, 2023 The .cat domain strengthens its collaboration with CDMON during ICANN 78 CongressYesterday, within the framework of the ICANN 78 Congress held in Hamburg, we had a highly productive meeting with David... October 27, 2023 We attend ICANN 78’s Zero Day to address the European NIS2 DirectiveToday, we are attending the Zero Day session, organized by Eco and ICANN, addressing the European NIS2 Directive in Hamburg,... Posts navigationOlder postsNewer posts
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