Webs with .cat

Mercat de les flors: home of dance

July 15, 2020

We spoke with Noel Eduardo, head of digital communications at Mercat de les Flors, the only national theatre devoted exclusively to dance and a performance benchmark for all types of creative expression: theatre, dance, music, performance, media art, and others.

As Noel says, “Mercat de les Flors is not just an exhibition theatre, it’s the artists’ home”. The uniqueness of Mercat is that it offers professionals the chance to improvise, to play with dance. A space where they can feel free.

For Mercat de les Flors, the website is one of the most important elements of communication. It is used to present the programme, the associated projects, and, in general, the creative world formed around Mercat. The site includes all valuable information on the theatre and the main channel where tickets can be purchased and further information found on all the shows.

“Our vehicular language is Catalan. The website would make no sense with a domain that wasn’t .cat”, explained Noel. Although the website is also available in Spanish and English, they use Catalan to communicate externally.

Go to mercatflors.cat

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