
We have been waiting for it and the moment has now come!

February 25, 2020

We are opening the registration period for domains of 1 or 2 characters


We have opened the registration period for some very special domains: 1 or 2 characters. They are special because they are limited and also follow a different registration process to other domains.

Below is the registration process time schedule for these domains:

From 29 October to 8 December 2019: Priority registration for member entities of the Board of Trustees of Fundació puntCAT and entities that supported the launch of the .cat domain
From 9 December to 19 January 2020: Priority registration for Public Authorities and entities in Catalan-speaking territories
From 20 January to 1 March 2020: Priority registration for trademarks
From 2 March 2020: Open registration phase for any company and/or person. Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis

To apply for a domain, it is necessary to fill in the following form. Once received, a selection committee made up of 2 members of the .cat team and a member of the Foundation’s board of trustees will consider the applications. Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• Domain pertinence and availability
• The applicant’s background and relationship with the domain
• Intention of use of the domain

The domains that have so far been registered are the following:

•    ç.cat
•    33.cat
•    ja.cat
•    va.cat
•    x.cat
•    id.cat
•    cv.cat
•    jo.cat
•    un.cat
•    1.cat
•    vw.cat
•    vz.cat
•    sí.cat
•    ub.cat

Don’t miss out!

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