domini .cat per emprenedors
domini .cat > Business > Entrepreneurs


If you are starting and need a customized website, go for a .cat domain!

If you are starting and need a customized website, go for a .cat domain!

Develop your website or e-commerce with complete freedom using a .cat domain and advanced hosting, all at an entrepreneur price for the first 3 years of your project.

60 /year* + IVA
+ VAT during the first 3 years
  • 1 .cat domain
  • Hosting
  • 10 e-mail accounts
  • Acces to HUB Digital Camera
Offer valid only for new registrations
What does include?
100 Gb of free space with unlimited transfer
Full SSD and HTTP/2
CDN with CloudFlare
SSL and Self-service Backups free
Unlimited webmail accounts with Groupware
PHP, ASP, Node.js, Ruby
PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MariaDB
Wordpress, Prestashop, etc., unlimited
Let’s Encrypt free
Pack of 40 credits to use the coworking of the HUB Digital Camera in Barcelona

Are you starting your digital experience?

Get freedom to create your custom website at entrepreneur price for the first 3 years.

If you already have a entrepreneurs pack, contact us to get your renewal code!

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